
You can get a list of the server add-ons required at the above menu “Addons“.

Server rules (Last updates 04-21-2013)

  1. Fighting on the spawn planet(s) is not allowed, doing so will be punished
  2. Using Gas Compressors on spawn planets is not allowed, doing this will be punished. Use a Water Air Extractor (WAE) (CAF -> H2O Splitter) instead.
  3. Please be nice to each other.
  4. If you think you found a bug feel free to contact one of the coders (see our The Team page)
  5. If a moderator treats you wrong, or you think he is abusing his powers please directly inform Dylan, Robin (ShakiNN) or BlackFire
  6. Cheating in any way is forbidden.
  7. If you got banned and believe that this ban is not permitted or the reason was not good enough, feel free to contact one of the Head Admins (Robin (ShakiNN) or BlackFire)
  8. The (voice)chat’s main language is English, you may use your own language with your friend when no one else is on the server or when the other players are ok with this.
  9. If you prefer talking via TeamSpeak, join our TeamSpeak at (Port 9987 Standard Port)
  10. No shields on the spawn planet as they will interrupt building on it.
  11. Propkilling or E2 Chips which spawn props to kill people is generally forbidden and will be punished.
  12. Using Stargates to break into Ships or to destroy other people’s props is forbidden aswell.
  13. Insulting (in english or any other language) is not allowed, if you have problems with another player, contact a mod and let him help you.
  14. Spamming the Server with anything that results in massive lag will be punished.
  15. Automining is allowed while you’re there and only on normal ore asteroids (Lanthan, Technetium, Platinum and Cobalt) and Radioactive asteroids.
  16. Bypassing the antiafk system will result in a permanent global ban, no matter if you’ve been warned or not before. You’ve been warned about it here already.
  17. Automining ice asteroids (they are hard to target anyway) is a perma ban reason.

We are not kick / ban happy, we tend to issue 3 warnings before taking any action depending on the rule you violated (main exceptions are rule 2,6 and 13&14).